Catalog Requirements for Core

For all catalogs (2023-24 and prior) in which ENGL202 (Survey of Literary Genres) or ENGL203 (Critical Perspectives in English) is the required literature distribution course, note that now any 200-level ENGL course other than ENGL281 may automatically substitute for this core requirement.

Any student who successfully completes RLGN233 (World Religions) at Huntingdon College may use it to satisfy 3 hours of the Judeo-Christian Tradition and History component of the General Education Core Curriculum, regardless of their catalog of matriculation.

Starting Fall 2024, CALL200 (Introduction to Ethics and Vocation) will no longer be offered. Starting Fall 2025, CALL300 (Perspectives on Ethics and Vocation) will no longer be offered. For all catalogs (2023-24 and prior) in which CALL200 and CALL300 are requirements, students can petition to substitute any of the following classes for CALL 200 and CALL 300:

BADM220, BADM408, CJUS320, CJUS404, CMST 340, EDUC303, ENGL351, INDP301, PHIL250, RLGN240, RLGN243, RLGN350, RLGN352, SSPE306, WMST201.

Note: Courses which substitute for CALL200 and CALL300 may simultaneously fulfill major and/or minor requirements as applicable; they may not simultaneously fulfill requirements for the Judeo-Christian Tradition and History Part II requirement.

Catalog Requirements for Core Literature Distribution Requirement

For all catalogs (2018-19 and prior) in which ENGL202 (Survey of Literary Genres) is the required literature distribution requirement, note that now either ENGL202 (Survey of Literary Genres) or ENGL203 (Critical Perspectives in English) may satisfy this core requirement.

Catalog Requirements for 2018-19 related to the PACT301 General Education Core Requirement

Beginning with students who entered HC initially in Fall 2018 (2018-19 catalog), PACT301 should now be fulfilled with the following two courses:

  • CALL200, Introduction to Ethics and Vocation (1 credit hour) – plan for the Sophomore year, and
  • CALL300, Perspectives on Ethics and Vocation (2 credit hours) – plan for the Junior year.

Catalog Requirements for 2014-15 through 2017-18

Below are the guidelines that should be applied regarding the College’s Core Requirements for students who:

  • are under a catalog in one of the following academic years: 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17 or 2017-18, and
  • have not yet satisfactorily completed the core requirements for HIST201, REL105, or REL106.

These courses are no longer being offered as of Fall 2018:

  • HIST201, History of the Christian Church
  • REL105, Interpreting the Bible
  • REL106, Comparative Religions

The viable substitutions for these courses are:

  • HIST201 – you may take any 200-level REL, except REL233, but may not use the repeat policy to affect the cumulative GPA.
  • REL105 – you may take REL101, but may not use the repeat policy to affect the cumulative GPA.
  • REL106 – you may take REL102, but may not use the repeat policy to affect the cumulative GPA for either.


  • If you successfully completed (grade of “D” or higher), the aforementioned courses (REL105 and/or REL106), you may not enroll in REL101 or REL102 as these courses are required for the incoming students, and there are simply not enough sections to cover additional students.

HIST101/102 transition to HIST111/112

Western Civilization to World Civilization

Beginning Fall 2016, HIST111 (World Civilization I) will be offered in place of HIST101 (Western Civilization I) and HIST112 (World Civilization II) will be offered in place of HIST102 (Western Civilization II). For students who have not yet completed general education core, major or minor requirements of HIST101 or HIST102, HIST111 will be the automatic substitute for HIST101, and HIST112 will be the automatic substitute for HIST102. However, please note HIST111 is not an option for grade replacement for a previously completed HIST101 attempt, and HIST112 is not a option for grade replacement for a previously completed HIST102 attempt. Students seeking to repeat HIST101 or HIST102 for the purpose of grade replacement (with regard to the cumulative GPA calculation), will need to do so this Summer (2016) at Huntingdon College. These courses are not considered duplication of credit, so for example, a student who completed HIST101 is permitted to take HIST111.

Addendum to Catalog General Education (Core) Requirement Options related to Mathematics Distribution

General Education (Core) Mathematics Distribution Courses

As of April 13, 2016, MATH171 (Introduction to Statistics) is permitted for use for all students for application toward the Mathematics Distribution requirement of the General Education Core Curriculum. This permission is granted retroactively to students who matriculated under catalogs prior to 2016-17.

Addendum to Catalog Requirement Options for 2013-14 and 2014-15 Catalogs

General Education (Core) Literature Distribution Courses

Beginning Fall 2015, ENGL 202 (Survey of Literary Genres) is permitted for use for all students for application toward the Literature Distribution requirement of the General Education Requirement Note: ENGL 202 (Survey of Literary Genres) and ENGL 104 (English Composition II) or its equivalents, is no longer considered duplication of credit beginning Fall 2015.

Catalog Requirements prior to 2013-14

Below are the guidelines that should be applied regarding the College’s Core Requirements for students who:

  • are under a catalog prior to 2013-14 academic year, and
  • have not yet satisfactorily completed the core requirements for ENGL 103, 104, PACT 103 or REL 101, 102.

The courses are no longer being offered:

  • ENGL 103
  • ENGL 104
  • PACT 103
  • REL 101
  • REL 102

The viable substitutions for these courses are:

  • ENGL 103 – you may take ENGL 105, but may not use the repeat policy to affect the cumulative GPA.
  • ENGL 104 – you may take ENGL 106, but may not use the repeat policy to affect the cumulative GPA.
  • PACT 103 – you may take ENGL 105 or PACT 301, but may not use the repeat policy to affect the cumulative GPA.
  • REL 101 – you may take REL 105, but may not use the repeat policy to affect the cumulative GPA.
  • REL 102 – you may take REL 106 or REL 233 (as these courses constitute a duplication of credit), but may not use the repeat policy to affect the cumulative GPA for either.
  • Additionally, if a student under the previous core (which requires REL 101 and 102) decides to use REL 233 to satisfy the REL 102 requirement, the student may NOT also count the REL 233 course as an upper-level Religion class in regards to satisfying the remainder of the Religion/Bellingrath Morse requirement.


  • If a student chooses to use ENGL 105 to satisfy both the ENGL 103 and PACT 103 previous core requirement, the student may NOT receive duplicate hours for the ENGL 105 course.
  • If you successfully completed (grade of “D” or higher), the aforementioned courses, you may not enroll in ENGL 105, ENGL 106 REL 105 or REL 106. In addition, unless you need (or are required) to take ENGL 105, ENGL 106 REL 105 or REL 106 as described above, you will not be permitted to enroll in these courses in the near future as these four courses are required for the incoming students, and there are simply not enough sections to cover additional students.

Prior Core Transitional Guidelines

Below are the guidelines that should be applied regarding the College’s Core Requirements for students who:

  • are under any catalog from the 1996-1997 academic year to the 2003-2004 academic year, and
  • have not yet completed the core requirements for Values Inquiry and Meaning I, II or the Social and Self Awareness category.

Values Inquiry and Meaning I

Three courses are no longer being offered beginning Fall 2004:

  • LASM 101
  • LASM 102
  • RHET 101

The viable substitutions for these three courses are:

  • LASM 101 – you may take either REL 101 or REL 102.
  • LASM 102 – you may take either REL 101 or REL 102.
  • LASM 101 and LASM 102 – you must take both REL 101 and REL 102.
  • RHET 101 – you must take ENGL 103.

In each of the above cases, you may use the College’s grade replacement policy (as indicated in the email correspondence from President West on 11/20/03).

NOTE: If you successfully completed (grade of “D” or higher), the three aforementioned courses, you may not enroll in REL 101, REL 102, ENGL 103 or ENGL 104. In addition, unless you need (or are required) to take REL 101, REL 102, ENGL 103 or ENGL 104 as described above, you will not be permitted to enroll in these courses in the near future as these four courses are required for the incoming freshman classes, and there are simply not enough sections to cover additional students.

Values Inquiry and Meaning II

Four courses are no longer being offered beginning Fall 2004:

  • CRS 150 The Bible and Culture
  • CRS 330 Advanced Topics in Cultural and Religious Studies
  • LASM 201
  • LASM 202

The viable substitutions for these four courses are:

  • REL 201 Introduction to Christian Theology
  • REL 250 Christian Ethics
  • REL 311 Torah & Prophets (Hebrew Scriptures)
  • REL 312 Jesus & Gospels (New Testament Scriptures)
  • REL 313 Wisdom and Poetic Literature (Hebrew Scriptures)
  • REL 314 Pauline and Johanine Texts (New Testament Scriptures)
  • REL 345 Methodism
  • REL 400 Special Topics – Theology and Ethics
  • REL 401 Special Topics – Bible

Social and Self Awareness Category

Two CRS courses in the Social Awareness area are no longer being offered beginning Fall 2004:

  • CRS 101 Introduction to Cultural and Religious Studies
  • CRS 201 World Cultures and Religions

The only viable substitutions for these two courses are:

  • REL 211 Introduction to Religious Studies
  • REL 233 World Religions

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